Month: January 2013

I have been blogging…in my mind.

I’m sorry. I have been so caught up in other things and also trying to draft the perfect topics to blog about.

I came across this article which talked about horrible blogging advice. Just to name a few:

“Stick to a rigid publishing schedule.”

“Bloggers need to be edgy.”

“Images aren’t important.”

“All it takes to succeed is quality content.”

“Cultivate reciprocal links.”

“It’s all about subscribers.”

These tips stuck out to me the most because I could definitely relate to each of them. At first I thought that to blog meant to have a strict blogging schedule and set rules and guidelines for blogging. I realized that blogging is just a way to engage in conversation with people who are interested in what I have to say.

I will try to be more conversational with my blogging and blog about relevant topics that I come across.